it's a wrap!

just another manic monday…

Archive for June, 2009

Miracles everyday

Things that bring tears to my eyes, were I to count, there would be too many to list. One of those would be to see people I care for fighting a good fight and end up standing, bruised yes, but standing and victorious! I’m seeing it happen right in front of my eyes, I was just saying the other day, “Now I fully comprehend the meaning of daily miracles.”
We seldom think about this, but maybe the gift of being able to sleep and to open your eyes the next morning, is a miracle by itself, non? 🙂
I’m having a headache and I’m a little grousy. But never mind, it’s a Friday evening! I’m going to feel light-hearted regardless! Ha ha, yes I might need to work tomorrow, yes it’s a Saturday, but what the heck, it’s still a Friday night!
I’m looking forward to having a mask tonight, sip some tea, laugh at some jokes, maybe watch a comedy. How does that sound? 🙂 good? I know…

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