it's a wrap!

just another manic monday…

Archive for January, 2014

Everything happens for a reason

Someone dear to me recently said this to me. 

It reaffirms my belief that nothing is ever a coincidence. 

Although I know this, it is generally hard to accept when something doesn’t work out according to plan. And last year, especially in the last quarter of 2013, things get so screw-y and twisted that I felt like I was caught in a whirlwind twice over. 

October was Wave 1. But I learnt such a valuable lesson that I almost (grudgingly) admitted that it was not a bad thing that the plan got screwed up.

I learnt things about myself, abilities and dreams started bubbling up in me. 

Dreams that I never would’ve dared dream had things not happened as they had. 

Sure, it was not at all what I had expected. 

Sure, it caused me tears and grief. 

December, December, December. 

The days were short, but when I thought back to the possibility that those few short days were not even supposed to happen. 

Those glorious short lived days, so fun filled and filled with joy that I will not exchange them for pretty much anything, except maybe a month of them! =)