it's a wrap!

just another manic monday…

Archive for school

Faces of Hong Kong

Some elderly men at the top of the stairs leading to the MTR station, near Causeway Bay. They look upon the world with weariness, as if they’ve seen it all and was tired of them all.
This being one of my favourite photograph. The lady sings her heart out, and she has a oh so sweet voice. She sang, brimming with hope. Ah, yes, she may have been through harsh times, yes, she has loved and lost. But any minute now, when she turns the corner, favour will be upon her and she’ll find joy! Any minute now. She has seen so much of the dreariness of life yet has not lost hope.
A little boy throwing his tantrum in the middle of the wet pavement. It was drizzling. He was pissed! A single glance at the face told me that, but I could not resist taking his photograph as he stomp on the ground. Ahh, the blissful ignorance of a child. Maybe I wouldn’t be so amused if it was my child. But I was amused with this child that particular day. Maybe it was just the holiday mood.

This little girl’s school had just let out. Her mom was speaking to another lady, she was waiting with her hair caught up in pig tails, munching on a snack. Peeking curiously at something, I caught her just at that particular angle. Such a pretty little one, she’s going to grow up to be a real heart-breaker!


Maybe I grew up, maybe I matured, maybe I just grew older. Let’s hope it’s growing wiser.
I learnt to section of certain parts of my life. Segregation.
When I was younger, emotional trauma or just plan bad-mood-don’t-feel-like-going-to-school days crop up. I’m not proud to say this, but the emotional grip those days had on me, made me feel rotten and I will just end up skipping school or work once or twice just toe deal with it.
But lately, I’m surprised to find myself being calm and reasonable about it.
Putting myself in my boss’s shoes, I realized that the company does not pay me to have emotional drawbacks or bad days. Work needs to be done and my boss pays me to do it. It is not fair to dump my troubles on the company. According to law that is, they grant compassionate leave, only for close deceased family members. They even grant paternity leave and sick leave. But on no account do they grant, I’m-drepressed leaves, nor I’m-hungover leaves, nor I’m-in-a-bad-mood leaves, nor even I-just-broke-up leaves. Pity, eh?
But that’s the way it is.
Not that in any way, it hurts any less. Yet, I cannot quite figure out wherein the difference lies.
Or maybe I just learnt that the sun does continue rising and setting regardless of how I’m feeling.
Cliche as this may sound. Life goes on.